10th Annual Community Health Symposium

 Astronomers infer that the universe contains huge amounts of a mysterious, invisible substance called dark matter. To account for the structure of galaxies and dusters of galaxies, the universe must contain six times more dark matter than ordinary atomic matter. We do not know what this stuff is made of. It should be composed of particles streaming in from space. However, the particles must be very weakly interacting, so exotic methods are needed to make them visible.


Deep Science: Mining for Dark Matter

 Astronomers infer that the universe contains huge amounts of a mysterious, invisible substance called dark matter. To account for the structure of galaxies and dusters of galaxies, the universe must contain six times more dark matter than ordinary atomic matter. We do not know what this stuff is made of. It should be composed of particles streaming in from space. However, the particles must be very weakly interacting, so exotic methods are needed to make them visible.


Major League Baseball: Through the Lens

 Astronomers infer that the universe contains huge amounts of a mysterious, invisible substance called dark matter. To account for the structure of galaxies and dusters of galaxies, the universe must contain six times more dark matter than ordinary atomic matter. We do not know what this stuff is made of. It should be composed of particles streaming in from space. However, the particles must be very weakly interacting, so exotic methods are needed to make them visible.


10th Annual Community Health Symposium

 Astronomers infer that the universe contains huge amounts of a mysterious, invisible substance called dark matter. To account for the structure of galaxies and dusters of galaxies, the universe must contain six times more dark matter than ordinary atomic matter. We do not know what this stuff is made of. It should be composed of particles streaming in from space. However, the particles must be very weakly interacting, so exotic methods are needed to make them visible.


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